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Coral reef filled with fish and wildlife.
Marine Science

Coral reefs in crisis

A parasitic bacterium saps energy from corals.

Stephen Giovannoni sitting in lobby
Marine Science

Rethinking the marine carbon cycle

Professor Stephen Giovannoni was recently published in Science Magazine

Jerri Bartholomew receiving samples in river

Bartholomew named head of Microbiology

Bartholomew is currently a professor of microbiology with joint appointments in the College of Science and the College of Agricultural Sciences.

Coral in the ocean floor


Microbiologist Rebecca Vega Thurber and her team research advanced genomic approaches for identifying infections of corals.

Ryan McMinds scuba diving on shallow seafloor
Marine Science

One student’s summer

Ryan McMinds is studying coral reefs on Australia’s Lizard Island.

person riding small boat in ocean during sunset
Marine Science

Piecing together the ocean methane puzzle

The oxygen-rich surface waters of the world’s major oceans are supersaturated with methane – yet little is known about the source of this methane.