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Rooms and Equipment

Rooms and Equipment

Room Reservations

View our calendars, and submit Nash Room Reservation Requests through our Qualtrics form.

Centrifuge Eppendorf 5810 R

Nash 426
Contact: Bruce Geller
Access to room: key

Centrifuge Beckman J2

Nash 430
Contact: Schuster
Access to room: key

Centrifuge Eppendorf 5415R

Nash 430
Access to room: key

Flowcytometer Becton Dickenson Facscaliber

Nash 502D
Contact: Malcolm Lowry
Access to room: key

Fluorescence Microscope Lecia

Nash 502D
Contact: Stephen Atkinson
Access to room: key

Gel Doc

Nash 502D
Contact: Sascha Hallett
Access to room: key

Gene Pulser Biorad

Nash 430
Access to room: key

Shaker/Incubator Innova 4300

Nash 446
Contact: Schuster
Access to room: key

Shaker/Incubator New Brunswick

Nash 430
Contact: Schuster
Access to room: key

Scintillation Counter Beckman LS 6500

Nash 428
Contact: Kim Halsey
Access to room: key

Ultracentrifuge Beckman Optima LE-80K

Nash 428
Access to room: key